Sponsors are our Lead Supporters
As a nonprofit organization, we rely on sponsors to be the lead supporters of our mission and vision for a healthy, resilient, and equitable built environment that supports the ability for people, communities, and our planet to thrive.
Annual Sponsorship
Essential Partners in the Green Building Marketplace
- Our annual sponsors are essential partners in the green building marketplace, playing a key role to transform the built environment.
- Our community of practitioners and professionals seek product, technology, and service-provider solutions.
- Shine a spotlight on companies offering technologies, products, or services that promote sustainable and high-performance design, construction, and operation helps fuel the growth of the green building economy in our state.
Become a Sponsor Partner and Demonstrate:
- Your prominence as a key stakeholder in Connecticut’s green building marketplace.
- Your commitment to building awareness and knowledge of energy-efficient, green building practices and high-performance building solutions.
- Your support of policies that have the potential to scale up the transformation of Connecticut’s built environment for all.
- Your strong alignment with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles.
Prove how committed you are with your level of support.
- All Annual Sponsors are recognized on this website, newsletters, and eblasts.
- Appear in the Membership Directory (coming soon).
- Get benefits of individual memberships such as discounts to events and members-only resources.
- Flagship events include our Green Buildings Awards and NESSBE ((Northeast Summit for a Sustainable Built Environment). Sponsors will be in promotional materials an programs.
Event Sponsorship
Sponsoring one of our educational programs is a great opportunity to increase your visibility among BuildGreenCT members and the broader community who attend our events:
- Building tours, case studies, and focused subject-matter topics are popular choices for companies with a connection to a project or a specific subject matter related to sustainability, high-performance design, construction, etc.
- Events that focus on health, housing, or energy and environmental justice are well-suited for stakeholders who operate in this space and/or companies seeking to support ESG principles.
Benefits of event sponsorships can include:
- Opportunity to provide opening remarks about your service, product, technology, or program at the beginning of the event/ presentation.
- Your logo in all of the event marketing materials: newsletter (thousands of subscribers), website, and social media