December 5, 2024 | 6:00 – 8:30pm
Two Roads Brewing, Stratford, CT
We are turning ONE YEAR OLD this December and YOU are invited to celebrate and help support our mission to accelerate the just and sustainable transformation of the built environment.
This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with Connecticut’s sustainability community over drinks and hearty hor d’oeuvres in the fun and relaxed atmosphere of a craft brewery… but not just any craft brewery, one recognized for sustainability measures including energy efficient upgrades, solar energy, and reuse of spent grains and wastewater.
This is our only fundraiser this year. We are relying on ticket sales and sponsorship to support:
- Our year-round advocacy work
- Programs we are planning for 2025, including the Green Building Awards
- Strategic investments we are continuing to make to support our unified and expanded green building community, which is YOU!
To add to the merriment, there will also be opportunities to:
- Win raffle items!
- Buy some BuildGreenCT merch!
- Celebrate BuildGreenCT members!*
- Members: $85
- Non-Members: $125
- Emerging Professional/Student Members: $65
If you can’t attend our Birthday Benefit, please support our mission by donating to our Annual Appeal:
Celebration – Connection – Camaraderie – Collaboration
All Members and Sponsors are invited to share a sustainable project, product or program by creating a slide through this Easy-to-Use Template. Add your project/product by following our instructions so we can celebrate your accomplishments on our slide show.

Special Thanks to our Event Sponsors:
Gold Sponsor:

Silver Sponsor: