Nora Rizzo

Nora is Grace Farms Foundation’s first Sustainable Materials Director, focusing on the recently launched Design for Freedom Movement. Design for Freedom aims to eradicate modern slavery from the built environment by addressing the systemic use of forced labor in the building materials supply chain. For more than 15 years, Nora has dedicated herself to creating change in the built environment through her sustainability, resiliency, and social equity work. Before joining Grace Farms, Nora spent over a decade as Director of Sustainability for Fusco Corporation in New Haven, CT.

As one of the first Ambassadors to be accredited by the International Living Future Institute, she founded the CT Living Future Collaborative and has served as Co-Facilitator since 2012. Nora also co-chairs the bi-annual Northeast Summit for a Sustainable Built Environment (NESSBE) Conference. This multi-day convening of industry experts has had past themes of Health of Place, Equity of Place, and Power of Place.

Nora was recently invited to serve on the Governor’s Council for Climate Change (GC3) Infrastructure and Land Use Adaptation Working Group. Nora’s professional credentials include being a Certified Sustainability Manager, LEEP AP BD+C, WELL AP, and LFA.