Ross Spiegel

Past Chair

Ross Spiegel, FAIA, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, LEED ® AP BD+C, is the Specifications Coordinator with
the Connecticut based architectural firm The SLAM Collaborative. Ross is responsible for leading
the firm’s specification process including maintaining and improving firm wide specification
procedures and resources, scheduling of specifications staff and preparation of architectural
specifications for various project types.

Ross has been a member of the Connecticut Green Building Council (CTGBC) for over 20 years. In
addition to having served as its Chair, he has also chaired the Advocacy and Governance
Committees. Ross is proud to be the first Chair of BuildGreenCT while continuing to lead the
Governance and Board Development Committee.

Ross served on the U.S. Green Building Council’s Board of Directors, the LEED ® Steering
Committee, chaired the Council’s Nominating Subcommittee, several USGBC committees and task
teams, and was the founding Chair and member of the Steering Committee for the Council’s
Greenbuild International Green Building Conference & Expo for over nine years.

In addition, Ross chaired the Green Building Certification Institute’s (GBCI) Credentialing Steering
Committee for four years, which is responsible for monitoring, reviewing, and overseeing the
development, implementation, and evaluation of existing and future LEED ® credentialing programs
under GBCI.