Tour Buckley Elementary: The First Verified Zero Energy Public School in New England

March 14, 2024 | 4:00 – 6:00pm

250 Vernon St, Manchester, CT

Tickets: $25 Member, $35 Non-member

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45% of U.S. schools were built between 1950 and 1969, when energy was cheap and plentiful. These buildings were designed to warehouse children with teachers lecturing students seated in desks neatly in rows. Can this vast inventory be salvaged to create energy-efficient, 21st century learning environments within the framework of these existing structures? Or must we demolish them, waste the embodied carbon, and build new? The Buckley Elementary School is the first of three 1950s schools in Manchester, CT, undergoing intensive renovations. Learn how this adaptive reuse project has created a 21st century learning environment and is leading the way as the first net zero energy public school in Connecticut while minimizing its carbon footprint.

Your Presenters and Tour Leaders:

Michael Scott


Senior Associate

Michael Scott, AIA, WELL AP, MCPPO has over 25 years of design experience. Joining TSKP in 2019, he has worked on notable projects, including the Beman Middle School in Middletown, and Buckley Elementary School. He is currently managing projects at Yale University. Originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Michael attended undergrad at Georgia Tech and graduate school at UPenn. He holds degrees in Architecture and Urban Design. He is also a proud member of BuildGreenCT!

Ben Kleine-Kracht


Design Engineer

Ben Kleine-Kracht, EIT, WELL AP has been involved in various building renovation projects and infrastructure replacement projects. He has worked on high-performance buildings, including three net-zero elementary schools. He joined CMTA after graduating from the University of Kentucky with a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. He has experience in energy analysis, engineering, construction administration, design, field survey, and analysis of mechanical building systems for various markets.

Christopher Till

Town of Manchester

Facilities Project Manager

Christopher has been Facilities Project Manager for the Town of Manchester for nearly 15 years. He is responsible for planning, developing, and directing facilities operations, maintenance, capital construction, and renovation programs for the Town and the Board of Education. Chris holds a Master of Science in Environmental & Water Resources Engineering from the University of Michigan and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Tufts University.

Learning Objectives:

  • Integrating the Owner’s overall sustainability mission into a successful project.
  • Understand how to incorporate net-zero energy strategies and a 21st-century educational program into an existing school.
  • What are the operational implications to a net-zero school?
  • Understand the implications of embodied carbon in new vs renovation projects.

Continuing Education Credits

1.0 AIA HSW approved

You can self-report general CEUs for:

  • WELL Building Standard
  • LFA Living Future Accreditation

Event Logistics:


Available on site, including a limited number of EV chargers. Park in the upper lot near the Solar Flower.


When you register you will receive a link to our GroupCarpool to help our sustainability-loving community save gas and curb greenhouse gas emissions. It’s a simple interface that does not require setting up an account. Offer your car or find one to ride in.


Light snacks will be provided. Bring your reusable water bottles. In an effort to be green and reduce waste, we will not be providing plastic water bottles. The school has drinking fountains and water bottle fillers.

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